Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer & Solids!

School is out for the summer and I am officially on summer vacation!  One of my summer goals is to start introducing solid foods to Kaelyn.  Up until now she has only tried rice cereal.  And now that I have time, I am going to be pureeing up a storm!  We started with carrots and Kaelyn seemed to enjoy the bright orange mush!  Here are some pics of her enjoying her yummy food!

Rice cereal
Do I have to eat this?

More carrots please!

Do I have something on my face?
Love my carrots!


CATHY said...

Yummy food! Kaelyn must LOVE having Mom home creating puree delicacies! Mmmmmm..good! Love, Grandma Cathy

Grammy & G. Pa said...

So precious! What a surprise, she loves to eat!!!

P and G Lile said...

Oops...the last comment was from Grammy and GPa Lile, via Ipad...vacationing in Kauai! We forgot how to type!