Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Doctors Visit

Kaelyn had her 2 Month check up today.  She officially weights 10lbs 8oz and is 23 inches long.  The doctor was pleased with her weight gain and happy about her growth, as were we.  She showed off her skills by following objects with her eyes and strong neck muscles.  She also left her mark, litterally, in the doctors room, as she peed while being weighed on the scale (of course she did!).  Our little girl produces a strong waterfall that shoots upward and the nurse said "oh, that's okay, we'll wait till "he's" done."  She must not have been looking very closely to see that our Kaelyn is in fact a girl!  The doctors visit ended by getting the first round of her immunizations - shots!  She was a brave girl and only cried when they were given and quickly calmed down afterwards.  Seemed like she handled it better than mommy did!  Kaelyn has been very sleepy most of the afternoon and is now relaxing in a warm bath.

Here are some recent (taken earlier in the week) pictures and a video for your enjoyment!

Enjoying tummy time on her boppy pillow!
Kaelyn doesn't like feeling left out so she now joins us for dinner by sitting in her high chair.  What a big girl!


CATHY said...

We love being able to see Kaelyn in motion! She looks very content considering she had her shots today. Have you recovered, Amy? Hope you all have a good night!
Love, Grandma Cathy

Aunt Meghan said...


Kisses! Aunt M :)

aunt meghan! said...

Amy, do you have ginger in your family genes?..because I'm pretty sure Kaelyn has ginger brows.

I hope so! haha
love, Meghan