Friday, September 2, 2011

Last Thursday

Keep Portland FuN! (or weird). That was our experience at the "Last Thursday" on Alberta street. The last Thursday of the month is a huge festival down Alberta street, which is near the neighborhood where I grew up. The festival started around 8 years ago, (as the neighborhood got gentrified), with art galleries, restaurants and bars, opening up their doors and celebrating food, art, and music... and it's now evolved into something of a circus of colorful street performers, break dancers, musicians, food carts, bands, artists, I could go on and on.... I would say it was very cultural experience, or "Santa Cruz on steroids." Amy would say it was an advertisement for "KEep Portland Weird."  Either way we all, Kaelyn included, had a great time. Here are some pictures and movies from the Last Thursday festival, as well as some other random shots from what we've been up to. Enjoy!

Alberta Street NE Portland (my hood)

Last Thursday (Breakers)

Last Thursday (Breakers)

Last Thursday Voodoo Donuts is famous for making crazy donuts.

A flavor of Last Thursday

A flavor of Last Thursday

A flavor of Last Thursday
(This guy was good)

A flavor of Last Thursday
(so I gave him a $)

A flavor of Last Thursday (mini 3"x3"sandwiches , yum yum)

A flavor of Last Thursday

A flavor of Last Thursday
(American Indian Tribal drumming and dancing)

Cousin John's wedding.

Cousin John's wedding.

Cousin John's wedding.

This mansion down the street from our house was
filming for the new TV series "GRIMM"... looks good.

Grandma (Tutu) finally met Kaelyn. 

This is the view of Portland from her apartment. Fremont Bridge (right), downtown (left).

I really liked this random graffiti by my house.

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