Saturday, January 29, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter!

Kaelyn's umbilical cord is finally healed, well, most of it anyway. And we were excited to give Kaelyn her first real bath. She definitely enjoyed this bath more than the sponge baths. She liked sitting in the water and splashing her feet. She seemed very calm and relaxed and didn't even cry! Kaelyn takes after her mom, she loves her baths!

I have begun pumping to allow dad some more responsibility and it also allows me to get a break and have a little more freedom. I took advantage of that freedom today and got pedicures with some friends from school! Steve was excited (and so was mommy!) to help with the feedings. We were a little nervous, hearing stories that some babies like certain nipples, bottles, or just won't drink from a bottle at all. We are happy to report that Kaelyn is not a picky eater - she likes her food any way she can get it! Must also take after her mom:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Doctors Visit & Visitors

Kaelyn had her 2 week check up yesterday and our chance to meet her pediatrician. We were really pleased with our doctor and got all our questions answered. The doctor was very impressed with Kaelyn's calm demeanor and how healthy she is. She is well over her birth weight, weighing 8 lbs 2.5oz and now 20 3/4 inches long. No wonder the car seat straps seem a little tight, she grew 1.5 inches!

Kaelyn is also quite the social butterfly having several family visitors over the past few days. Grandfather Greg and Grandma Cathy joined Aunt Laura and Uncle Andy on a visit from Oregon. California showed off it's sunshine and we enjoyed picnics at the park, tennis for the guys, and ice cream! We also got to skype with Aunt Meghan back in Oregon. The day after they left, Grandpa Gene and Grandma Polly stopped by with Uncle Brett. Kaelyn looks forward to meeting and skyping with more visitors soon!

Uncle Brett

Uncle Andy

Auntie Laura

Grandfather Greg and Grandma Cathy

The Happy Family!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Photo Shoot

Last Saturday I was inspired to have a photo shoot with Kaelyn. I set up my mini photo booth, lights, blankets, and cranked up the heater to the high 80's to keep the model happy. Placing Kaelyn on a blanket I attempted to pose her little body. She was doing great... A real natural in front of the camera. She was giving me some cute yawns, smirks, and stretches... just totally relaxed with the camera and lights, and then it happened, she peed, so we called it a "Wrap!"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Night, Baby!

We had SUCH a great night of sleep last night that we had to write a post. Last night Kaelyn slept 4 (or more) hours between feedings, which gave mommy and daddy a chance to catch up on some much needed rest. We've come a long way from the first sleepless night 6 days ago. Each night we've altered our strategy to get a better nights sleep, but I think we've found a solution. We have tried to keep Kaelyn awake and more active during the day with tummy time, getting some fresh air and going for walks in our 70 degree California weather. We gave Kaelyn her first sponge bath last night. Kaelyn didn't exactly love it, but I think the warm water on her skin felt good and relaxed her for bedtime. (side note about the bath: Just as Steve went to get the camera, Kaelyn decided to pee, soaking the pad that she was on and needless to say defeating the whole purpose of the bath. She did enjoy splashing her feet in her little puddle of pee:) We have also learned the importance of a good burp. Poor Kaelyn has suffered from some bad gas since she was born and burping her efficiently after feedings have really made a difference. There are all sorts of burping positions that we have tired, which look more like yoga poses, even including one called "Rock and Roll"! Kaelyn also was having a hard time going number 2, which I'm sure couldn't have been too comfortable. The nurse took her rectal temperature, suggesting that it might help open her up. And by the time we got home she had a nice surprise waiting for us in her diaper! And finally, now that we know she is getting enough milk and gaining weight, we can let Kaelyn let us know when she wants to eat at night. This means that I might need to feed more often during the day in order to fit in 8 feedings, but it's worth it at night! I would say mommy and daddy have learned a lot this first week of Kaelyn's life, and I'm sure we will never stop learning. But on Kaelyn's one week birthday, we are happy to report, there is hope for sleep!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hello World

We would like to introduce our beautiful baby girl, Kaelyn Beth Leineweber, born Sunday, January 9th, 2011, 4:18PM, at 7lbs 11oz and 19.5". It's hard to believe that we created something so perfect and beautiful. We wanted to post this sooner, but the past 6 days have been kind of crazy, as we've been busy getting to know each other. We would love to share every detail of this amazing experience, but that would take too long, and Kaelyn is waiting for more milk. Here are a few highlights (using bullet points, sorry).

• Saturday, Jan. 8th, Amy was having contractions (we thought false labor).
• Sunday, Jan 9th, contractions grew stronger and closer, arrived at the hospital 4:00 AM, Amy was 6cm dilated. "Give me an Epidural!"
• At the hospital, we finally decided on her name. Her middle name, Beth, has been in Amy's family for 5 generations.
• 12 hrs. of labor and it was time to push. Amy pushed for 20 minutes. I'm so proud of her. She was so strong throughout the whole thing.
• During labor I was the Doula, Photographer, and Videographer. Watching the birth was so amazing.
• Right after the birth I caught Kaelyn opening her eyes for the first time, see video. (G rated)
• Amy's parents, Gene & Polly, drove down from Cloverdale that morning, and were patiently waiting for 9 hours.
• We brought Starbucks coffee and cookies for the nurses to keep them alert and happy. (They were great)
• We spent the next 2 nights at the hospital. The first night, Kaelyn slept soundly. The second night was rough, didn't get much sleep. By day Kaelyn is adorable, calm, and sleepy, by night she's awake, hungry, irritated, but still very cute.
• When we got home from the hospital, we were surprised with baby girl decorations all over our apartment front door, and dinner waiting in the fridge. Compliments of Amy's parents. Thank you!
• Kaelyn sleeps most of the day, then at about 11pm she wakes up and doesn't crash until 6am. So we crash with her, and sleep-in until about 11am. We are trying to change her schedule.
• We love Skype! We've Skyped with my parents back in Portland, who will be visiting in a week.
• Today (Friday) was a big day. The sun was shining and Kaelyn started pooping again! There was about a 36 hr window where she did not have a BM. We celebrated by taking her to Babies R Us, and bought her a few outfits. (Realizing that we only had 2 'newborn' outfits).
• After the outing we did tummy time. Kaelyn is so strong. She already can pick her head up while lying on her stomach. See video.
• Amy's recovering from the labor and loving that she's starting to get her body back.
• I took a week off from work, but will head back on Monday with a new schedule, which allows for an hour lunch so I can hang out with Amy and Kaelyn. (I work full time from home).

We are so happy and blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy girl, and great family and friends who have been there to support us along the way. The past few weeks, we've gotten a lot of emails, letters, phone calls, text messages, comments, food and gifts from family and friends. We want you all to know that we are SO grateful for your love and support. Love, Steve (Amy & Kaelyn)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Doc Says

Good news, the baby appears in good health. Bad news, she's not ready to make her big debut, and we have to continue waiting. Amy had her scheduled appointment today which included an ultrasound where Amy got a glimpse of her little hand. I wasn't able to make this appointment but it was mostly uneventful. The doctor did say that the 'due date' is actually tomorrow, which is news to us, not that it really matters at this point. Waiting, and anticipating is the worst part for me, and I think Amy would agree. The past few days are feeling like weeks. I can't believe it's only Wednesday!? Haha, it sounds like I'm the pregnant one. Maybe I'm just really good a sympathizing. Well that's all for now. Hopefully the next post will be an announcement. Until then, take care, and wish us luck. - S

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Just counting down the days as we anxiously await the arrival of Baby L. Our bags are packed, car seat installed, and plenty of diapers to get through the first few weeks. I'm actually doing better than one might think for being 40 weeks pregnant. I'm still able to run to the store, take walks, make dinner, and get a good amount of sleep. Our official 'Due Date' is Wednesday, January 5th, which will be the 40th week, and it is my next scheduled doctors appointment. Hopefully this appointment will give us an idea of how close we are getting. In the meantime, I have to think of ways to keep myself busy. Tomorrow would have been my first day back to teaching. It feels weird not heading back to work. I'll constantly be thinking about school and how my class is doing, that is until Baby L arrives. Then I'll have plenty to do and think about besides school. For now, we will just keep playing the waiting game.

Keep checking back as we will update the L Family Buzz as soon as we have news or updates to share.