Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Night, Baby!

We had SUCH a great night of sleep last night that we had to write a post. Last night Kaelyn slept 4 (or more) hours between feedings, which gave mommy and daddy a chance to catch up on some much needed rest. We've come a long way from the first sleepless night 6 days ago. Each night we've altered our strategy to get a better nights sleep, but I think we've found a solution. We have tried to keep Kaelyn awake and more active during the day with tummy time, getting some fresh air and going for walks in our 70 degree California weather. We gave Kaelyn her first sponge bath last night. Kaelyn didn't exactly love it, but I think the warm water on her skin felt good and relaxed her for bedtime. (side note about the bath: Just as Steve went to get the camera, Kaelyn decided to pee, soaking the pad that she was on and needless to say defeating the whole purpose of the bath. She did enjoy splashing her feet in her little puddle of pee:) We have also learned the importance of a good burp. Poor Kaelyn has suffered from some bad gas since she was born and burping her efficiently after feedings have really made a difference. There are all sorts of burping positions that we have tired, which look more like yoga poses, even including one called "Rock and Roll"! Kaelyn also was having a hard time going number 2, which I'm sure couldn't have been too comfortable. The nurse took her rectal temperature, suggesting that it might help open her up. And by the time we got home she had a nice surprise waiting for us in her diaper! And finally, now that we know she is getting enough milk and gaining weight, we can let Kaelyn let us know when she wants to eat at night. This means that I might need to feed more often during the day in order to fit in 8 feedings, but it's worth it at night! I would say mommy and daddy have learned a lot this first week of Kaelyn's life, and I'm sure we will never stop learning. But on Kaelyn's one week birthday, we are happy to report, there is hope for sleep!


Great Aunt Wendy said...

Heard about the "big" poop from Polly yesterday at the shower. Not that there is any comparison but, when we got our kittens, we would rush to the little box to ensure their poop was "okay." We are still being kept awake at nights by little kitty paws troucing across our bed. You have Kaelyn much better trained than we have our kittens!

L. Family said...

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CATHY said...

Your learning curve is amazing this week and so glad to hear that more sleep is the prize! You will probably have a few things to teach us this coming weekend. We are excited to meet and hold Kaelyn. So glad her "plumbing" is working even if it creates bath challenges! Gdma Cathy

Sara Wiacek said...

Yay for sleep! Sending lots of good thoughts your way. :)