Saturday, January 29, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter!

Kaelyn's umbilical cord is finally healed, well, most of it anyway. And we were excited to give Kaelyn her first real bath. She definitely enjoyed this bath more than the sponge baths. She liked sitting in the water and splashing her feet. She seemed very calm and relaxed and didn't even cry! Kaelyn takes after her mom, she loves her baths!

I have begun pumping to allow dad some more responsibility and it also allows me to get a break and have a little more freedom. I took advantage of that freedom today and got pedicures with some friends from school! Steve was excited (and so was mommy!) to help with the feedings. We were a little nervous, hearing stories that some babies like certain nipples, bottles, or just won't drink from a bottle at all. We are happy to report that Kaelyn is not a picky eater - she likes her food any way she can get it! Must also take after her mom:)


Barbara said...

She's the most beautiful baby! She's a lucky girl to have such wonderful parents :)

CATHY said...

Looks like you know what you're doing Steve. Must feel good to know that you can feed Kaelyn too! It's all about empowering the father, right Amy? You two are a great team and it helps that Kaelyn is so easy going. Glad she likes her baths too! Just like mommy! Grandma Cathy

Anonymous said...

Actually, like Grandmother, like daughter, like grand daughter !

Anonymous said...

The only way I can post a comment is as "anonymous!!!!!

Will try one more time

Grandma /Grammy (Lile)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys have the perfect baby - easy-going, not picky, good eater, happy ... amazing!! How blessed you are : ) xoxo, Natalie